25 trees will be planted on your behalf for every experience purchased, via our partnership with One Tree Planted.
See more at onetreeplanted.org
Good literary and communication skills will make you a worthwhile member on any team. Editing, copywriting, reporting, interviewing, and researching are all possible roles that you might take on, as you work alongside some of Ghana's leading journalists and reporters, who are there to offer you guidance throughout your placement.
This media placement is intended for participants who are currently seeking or already have some experience in the industry. Both aspiring reporters and media professionals are warmly welcomed. During the placement, you will have the chance to work in a number of newspapers, radio stations, and TV networks according to your level of interest. Positions range from researchers at a local paper to being the halftime analyst for football matches on TV! Our extensive links will allow you to experiment in a number of different spheres.
We also encourage you to get involved with schools and sports academies to teach classes in media, creative writing and the rudiments of journalism. You may also have the chance to oversee the production of a newspaper created by the children. This will be an excellent chance for you to engage more fully with the community and to mix with Ghana's ambitious youngsters. Alternatively, you may want to use your placement as an opportunity to collect information for your own journalistic projects. If you are an aspiring or professional photojournalist or travel writer, our extensive connections and in-country staff will provide a wealth of material for your work.
Please be advised that the daily transportation costs to and from your program are not included and must therefore be paid by yourself throughout the course of your stay. Those costs may range from 2 - 5 Euros per day.
Volunteer experiences have a direct and positive impact on local communities by injecting money into the local economy through the purchase of food, transportation, and tourism activities. Volunteering is a great way to give back to the comunity and make a difference in the world. Depending on the type of volunteer experience you are interested in, your time can be spent improving educational resources and opportunities, providing medical services to underserved communities, or promoting environmental conservation and sustainable farming techniques.
25 trees will be planted on your behalf for every experience purchased, via our partnership with One Tree Planted.
See more at onetreeplanted.org
1% of gross sales will be donated to 1% for the Planet-approved charities via our partnership with 1% for the Planet.
See more at onepercentfortheplanet.org